About Chris

I read. A lot. I also write, but not as much.

New Home!

Ok, I can finally say why I’ve been so quiet around here lately – TINEB has a new home over at thereisnoeasterbunny.com. All sorts of goodies are available at the new site – like forums, groups and fun shit like that. Plus now that I’m done working with PHP code till my eyes bleed I can get back to reading and posting. Huzzah!

Hope to see everybody there!

Has it really been a month?

Yeesh. Time flies. Not sure why I haven’t been posting much lately. Oh, wait. I know why. It’s called Europa Universalis III. I haven’t had a lot of free time late

Ok, ok, I can’t blame it completely on that game. Anyway, in book news I just purchased the second of Scott Lynch’s Gentlemen Bastards series and I’ll likely be up way too late reading it. Which is good I suppose since I was stupid and drank coffee at 9pm so I was going to be up late anyway. Plus this way I have something else to do other than repeatedly getting my ass handed to me by France in EUIII. Stupid France.

Books I’m looking forward to in 2012.

So many good books coming out in 2012 that it is almost obnoxious. Below you’ll find just a handful of books that I’m looking forward to this year. What books are you all excited for this year?

A Path to the Coldness of Heart by Glen Cook.

The original manuscript for this book was stolen over 20 years ago, so we Dread Empire fans have been waiting a very long time for the eight and final book in this series. Plus, it’s Glen Cook. Who doesn’t like Glen Cook? Assholes, that’s who!

A Crown Imperilled by Raymond E. Feist

I will always have a soft spot for Pug and Tomas so I’m fairly excited for this even if there have been 50323 previous books in the series (I jest. I think this is book 29, but I could be wrong). And, uh, is Imperilled even a word?

Blue Remembered Earth by Alastair Reynolds

Chasm City is one of my favorite science fiction books of all time so I’ll give any new series by Reynolds a chance.

Black Opera by Mary Gentle

A new novel by Mary Gentle! I love her books. June 5 needs to hurry up and get here.

Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce

Graham Joyce’s books are always a treat and I see no reason why this one won’t be as well.

King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

The first book in this series was a lot of fun so I’m definitely excited for the second.

A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson

I hate to admit it, but I haven’t read the last two books in the Wheel of Time series. I’m not sure, but with the final book coming it this year I’m sure I’ll be reading them shortly. I turn 33 in a couple weeks and I think book one came out when I was in 7th grade. I feel old.

Those are just a handful of the books I’m looking forward to. Yeesh.

The Rift Walker by Clay and Susan Griffith

I stayed up late last night to finish The Rift Walker by Clay and Susan Griffith. That right there should tell you how much I liked this book.

In the second book of the Vampire Empire trilogy (I think. It could be intended to go further.) we find Adele and the Greyfriar separated and Adele scheduled to be married to Senator Clark. Adele has also been continuing her geomancer training with Mamoru. Needless to say things don’t go as planned. Greyfriar hears of a plot to assassinate Adele during her wedding ceremony so he hustles off to Alexandria to save her. I’m afraid if I say anymore I’d be spoiling the fun you’ll have reading it for yourself.

In my review of the first book I mentioned how a lot of the characters seemed pretty one-dimensional. That’s changed with the second book. Well, except for Clark. He’s still just a jerk who wants to be Emperor. We sadly didn’t find out any sort of motivation for him in this book. The rest of the characters I’m happy to say have been much more fleshed out. Caesar especially gets a lot more interesting with this book. Which leads me to my only quibble with the book. MORE BAD GUY CHAPTERS PLEASE. There weren’t nearly enough chapters dealing with the vampires. I’m hoping we’ll see more from that point of view in the next book.

All in all this was a fantastic read and the series is quickly turning in to one of my favorites.

Only one post mentioning Buffy so far? I’m ashamed of myself.

As those close to me are aware, I’m a bit of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan. Which is why I’m surprised I haven’t talked about it on here more often! Anyway, if anyone out there (Hi, honey!) are in the mood to get me something cool for my upcoming birthday this month then you could do far, far worse than this nifty-keen Buffy print that I found on Etsy!